A Mixed Putty GLC Day Tone spreads how many meters
A Mixed Putty GLC Day Tone spreads how many meters
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
The price of a flat meter, discussed in the post, is calculated at 15 pounds, but it can reach 20 pounds and 40 pounds depending on the specifications.
Therefore, if we were to burn with 20 pounds, we would multiply all these numbers by 25%, and the same order would emerge, because the goal of the post is to know how to price, no matter how the price changes… I have arrived.
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
We will assume that the average price of the engraving machine, for example, is 15 pounds per flat meter for medium finishing according to the following specifications:
Wish sealer + 2 putty knives and 1 plasterer + 2 lining wands + 1 wand finish (more or less, of course, depending on the stages of discussion and the type of finishing)
..This price is based on the actual cost, which is not an engineer’s discussion, but you also added your profit margin to it.
.. The important thing is to understand how to calculate the cost??
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
Let’s count it
In order to know how to determine the price per unit flat meter for the discussion item, I must understand that not all discussions are the same as some discussions, which are divided into 5, 6, 7, or 8 stages according to the quality of the general finishing (lux – super lux – ultra lux) and so on..
You always hear in the market that in order to calculate the wall and ceiling surfaces of any apartment, they tell you to multiply the area of the apartment by 3!
But, of course, the realistic limit is to more than one apartment with different areas, and that is why the apartments’ actual area is less than that, because of the ratio of services and all this, let us at least walk it by multiplying the area of the apartment by
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
In order to determine the price, we must know what the stages are:
1- Cleaning, sealer and sealer:
This is considered the first stage and we can say that there is one industrialist
It is estimated that an approximate area of 250 square meters, including flat walls and a ceiling, can be completed (calculation is based on the production output of an average apartment of 100 square meters) in approximately one day.
. Assuming the daily cost is 160 pounds, then the cleaning and sealer costs 60 piasters on industrial ones.
You will be charged 1 pound per meter of sealer stage?? This means a gain of about 40 piasters per square meter of flat stage of the sealer… Praise be to God for His blessings and satisfaction!
2- #Paste:
We will calculate that the specification is 2 putty and plastering knives. We will say for the same average calculations that for the same area of the apartment, one putty knife will take about 4 industrial diaries and a daily sanding paper, which means 5 diaries, which means about 800 pounds, meaning approximately one meter of putty for one knife standing on top of it, for 3 factory pounds, and plastering will take a daily.
If you charge him 3.5, you will still earn about 50 piasters in Sakina.
This means that two putty knives and smearing this area will take about 11 days, meaning 1760 pounds.
This means that it will cost me approximately 7 pounds to make a paste with this specification.
You will take the paste stage for 8 pounds.. This means you will earn a pound in the paste. Praise be to God
3- #Lining: We will work out that Specification 2 is a lining
In order to line the apartment for the same space, we will need a day and a half for one liner, which means it will cost me 240 pounds, for example. So, approximately, the length of the lining standing on top of me will cost 1 pound.
I mean, two linings cost approximately 2 pounds, and you will charge them for one lining for 1.5 pounds, meaning both for 3 pounds… That means you will earn 1 pound during the lining stage. .. Praise be to God
4 – #Finish: We will operate according to specification 1 and finish only
The finish will cost me a little more than the lining if I match the colors to nature and the client chooses the color and I make it a test wall. This will disrupt the artificiality, but if we calculate it in average, we can say that a meter can cost 1.5 pounds.
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
I will charge 3 pounds for the finish! I mean, for example, you will earn about 1.5 pounds in it.What is the point of my wax?
Because at work, your earnings are always emptied at the end, so that your relationship will be maintained throughout the period of work and that you will gain income.. And also because if you work in a building job with a contractor that is not a company, he may come at any time and tell you that I will be satisfied with the lining and finish at the expense of the one who will buy the apartment, and then the last is yours. The largest portion of your profit..
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
Ok, so let’s summarize everything that was written so that we can see how the world has turned out?
#The cylinder: It cost me 60 piasters, I charged 1 pound for it, I earned 40 piasters.
#Paste: It cost me 7 pounds. I charged 8 pounds for it. I earned 1 pound.
#The lining: He cost me 2 pounds. I charged him 3 pounds. I earned 1 pound
#Finish: It cost me 1.5 pounds. I charged 3 pounds for it. I earned 1.5 pounds.
This means that the meter cost me 11 pounds. I charge for it at 15 pounds. I earned 4 pounds. awesome
This means that if an apartment has an area of 100 flat meters… (meaning its walls are flat and its ceiling is about 250 flat meters) and the work specifications are:
Sealer, two putty knives, 2 lining shutters, and 1 finishing shutter
I took the meter for 15 pounds… my gain will remain around 4 pounds
This means, for example, that I will earn 4 * 250 square meters = 1000 pounds in the apartment . Very excellent
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
But the world is not so rosy!
You will encounter many problems, such as a delay in the groceries, and that one day they may have to work half the time because no goods came out, or they put them in the wrong place, and someone must go down and take them out. Ok, we want a worker.. Ok, take them out and I will charge you for them.. It is not all at the expense of work and diaries!
Or you find parts that contain rubble! It will take a lot of putty work to adjust, or the gypsum form needs to be adjusted because it has defects and you have to do it, and the seam underneath is not full of good mortar and it needs to be adjusted!
It’s normal, all of this is very possible
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
Okay, so if I have a drafting job offered for 15 pounds with these specifications, engineer, should I take it?? ….. No… Why!! If you are an engraver and will work with your own hands, take it for 15 pounds
You didn’t say it would cost 11 and I would earn 4! Yes, it is actually possible that if an engineer takes her, he will not be able to earn that!
The debater, if there is any problem, he will go down and take care of himself, and he may take out pastel pastels with his hands and act in order to work and accomplish things, but if you are standing, he will tell you, “I want to work!”
The discussion when he takes work for himself results in work that makes him more vulnerable when he works for you every day.
Discussion: If someone is self-employed, he will do the job correctly from the first time because he does not want to repeat anything again so as not to lose time and money. However, if he does not take the work for himself, then it will not make any difference to him that he repeats it again on another day. It is normal if you do not like the work. This is how he prepares a diary for you!
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
If the engineer takes the work for himself, he will sand it on the lamp, so when the engineer receives it from him with the lamp, he will find that the work is fine the first time, and it will be very easy for him to pick it up after that.
Ok, the conclusion:
The goal of the post is not to answer daily discussions and occupy them..
. No, so that you don’t overwhelm yourself in the first place, you must agree with Naqqash, who will take it for 15 pounds per meter, and you will get it from the company, for example, for 17 pounds, and your profit will be these 2 pounds in exchange for the fact that you are standing at work and that you start the discussion with money every last week. Even if you did not spend a statement from the company, you will be forced to force it. About you giving them money from your pocket until you don’t spend it so your job can stay busy!
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
Calculated per square meterPaintsPlastic
It can be painted on white plaster or
Serviced cement and buy these
The paints are ready and can be diluted
Painting stages:
- Prep face with water
- The first face after the preparatory face
- One day
- The second side
- Final face
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
Plastic paint rates
1- The first side is 65% plastic.
35% water
2- The second side is painted with plastic
80% and 20% water.
3- The final face is painted with plastic
90% and 10% water
(You can calculate that every kilogram of…
Plastic is painted on 10 square meters of surface
Wall (one side)
As for oil paint
These rates differ if it is a substance
The paint is oil paint, as it is considered standard
Oil paints
Paint a kilogram of oil and zinc mixture
The oil works for 13 m2 on one preparatory side
Apply 1 kg of the mixture to 11 m2
One side another
Apply 1 kg of the mixture on 10 m2 of surfaces
One third face
Apply 1 kg of the mixture on 9 m2 of surfaces
One fourth face
Assuming that one kilogram of oil is needed
From 30: 20 grams of color oxide
The oil paint mixture consists of oil + zinc
+ Oil
Preparation rates vary at each stage
Of paint
A basket of putty spreads how many metres
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