
    Gahzly is the first electronic store for electrical tools and equipment (presented by ElBedewy Electrical Tools Company) in the retail sale and export of products for homes and factories (special prices for factories) locally and internationally of all tools and tools used in electrical work, paint materials, wires and cables, and all electrical accessories. With specific specifications, with minimal effort, and suitable for all categories, at the lowest prices

    Main office

    عنوان: 22 شارع السبع بنات ,اللبان,الاسكندريه

    رقم التواصل:201000005497+

    بريد الكتروني:

    Working Hours

    الاثنين-الخميس 10am to 7pm

    الاحد - 10am to 4pm

    الجمعه - مغلق