Tell me what is the decoration of your house, I will tell you who you are. This sentence is said by most psychologists who associate an individual’s home choices with his personality. A superficial view of a psychologist at your home parlor, through which he can identify many of the traits and features of your personality; What do you like, what do you dislike, your personality traits, your general mood, and other features of your personality.
Paint colors and the paintings and decorations that are hung on the walls determine a lot of your personal preferences. For example, a person who leaves a large space in his home is an unusual person who tends to go out and be comfortable psychologically. As for the person who tends to the many walls and separations, he is an introverted person who tends to isolate.
In this guide, we will discover together the relationship between wall paint, home decorations, and the personality traits of the individual.
• Semantics of mirrors
The use of mirrors in the apartment has many connotations. If you added mirrors to give an aesthetic touch to your home, then this explains that the person has a fertile imagination and dreams day and night. But if the number of mirrors is more than reasonable, this reveals a narcissistic personality that admires itself to a large extent. The narcissistic personality sees itself as highly intelligent and handsome with unlimited capabilities. The narcissistic person thinks he is number one anywhere, so he puts a lot of mirrors in order to keep admiring himself constantly.
• Decorating and decorating the walls
People who put a lot of decorations on the walls, such as toys and paintings, have low self-confidence, feel insecure about the people around them, and feel that they need many things. These people tend to offset these feelings with wall decoration.
If you enter a house and see a lot of decorations and paintings on the walls, then the owner of the house suffers from loneliness and lack of tenderness in his life.
• The flowers
Houses that contain many flowers and plants indicate that the person is romantic and calm. Often these people can control their anger unless the reasons are very strong.
• Curtains
Curtains have many connotations in terms of shapes and colors on the personality of the individual. People who fill the house with curtains tend to be mysterious and don’t like to talk much. You can trust these people with your secrets.
Light-colored curtains express mystery, while dark-colored curtains express complete isolation from everything that surrounds them.
People who don’t tend to install a lot of curtains are mostly energetic and energetic and don’t tend to be isolated. On the contrary, they tend to communicate with others all the time.
Places with average curtains often don’t trust others easily.
Paints greatly determine the personality of the individual. Stingy people or those who do not tend to spend a lot of money do not tend to bright colors or “trends” and their favorite color is gray. Conservative people tend to be brown or beige, but when their budget allows for modifications in home decor, they take the initiative to renovate their home and follow the latest prevailing fashions.
Yellow is the favorite color of self-loving personalities. They take care of their homes and do not pay much attention to what is outside the home. The color red indicates courage, daring, and facing difficulties. These people are characterized by extreme courage, and are famous for their ability to respond to dangers and aggressions, and they are not afraid of the right to blame someone.
If you have any questions, please contact us freely and we will be happy to serve you.
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Jahzli website to buy electronics
When we say Jazli website, we are talking about one of the most famous Arab websites, which was able in a very short period of time to achieve a very high demand for purchases from it by people from different parts and sectors of the Arab world.
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So, if you were lost before and you don’t know where to go in order to buy your products on the Internet, now you have the perfect solution, and you only have to go to the Jazli website and start choosing the products you want.
What are the features of Jazli ?
Since we are talking about a site that is preferred by many people around the world, there is no doubt that it is a site full of various features and characteristics, and for this we have decided to dedicate our next paragraph in order to indicate the most prominent features of the Jazli site.
Among the most prominent features of the site, we find that there is proportional prices. On the Jazli website, you do not have to worry about the imaginary prices of products, as is the case with most sites that display their products on the Internet.
The price of product delivery is very reasonable and not expensive, just as the site accepts delivery to various countries, without forgetting that it accepts free shipping on some products.
Among the advantages of the site, we also find that there is the high quality of its products, as it is impossible to find a poor-quality product. Rather, the Jahzli website deals with major companies, Philips, for example, and other famous brands, so you have to remove from your mind the idea of poor quality of one of the products. Also, one of the advantages of the site is that it does not specialize in one type of product, but rather you will find various types of products on it, for example, electrical appliances, hand tools, mechanical devices, paints, packages for establishing apartments and many other types.
Jahzli also accepts what is known as the shopping cart, which makes it easier for you to filter the products you want to buy and put them in one package in order to be able to pay with the click of a single button.
Multiple payment methods are accepted.
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