John Christie Generator – Anyone Can Generate Their free Electricity 2023
John Christie Generator – Discover How Anyone Can Generate Their Own Electricity
Who Is John Christie?
John Christie is the founder of the cutting edge power generation company, Lutec. Together with his friend, Lou Brits, he announced in 2001 that he had created a self-sustaining power supply prototype based on zero point/magnetic motor technology. The generator was capable of producing a kilowatt of energy and delivering it via a battery to a residential or commercial setting.
Since then, the company has spent the intervening years seeking investors as well as developing and refining the technology in order to produce a mass market commercial model that can be easily installed in any household. It is understood that they are currently very close to a commercial model.
How Does A Magnetic Motor Generator Work?
A magnetic motor generator utilises the principles of zero point technology that were first studied over 100 years ago by pioneers in electricity such as Nikola Tesla, the man generally regarded as the man who discovered alternating current, without which there would be no modern electricity as we know it.
A generator is nothing more than a rotor on which are mounted strategically several magnets. An input of starting force into the system turns the rotor and sets up a motion that sustains itself, thanks to the magnets. The forces of friction at the bearings and from the air are easily overcome by the forces provided by the magnets.
How To Make Your Own John Christie Generator And Start Producing Your Own Electricity
John Christie has spent several years toiling away in an attempt to turn his giant prototype into a smaller unit that is capable of being mass-produced. Other companies are also racing to the same goal but most believe that it will be at least five years until this is a reality.
So if you want to start generating your own electricity today then what can you do?
Instead of taking months or years to make your own motor like Christie, Brits and other pioneering enthusiasts have done, it is much easier to follow a set of working plans to the tee and produce something that you know will work from the first spin. Such plans are available on the internet for a very modest fee. Doing this will actually cost you less than trying to figure it out yourself. That is, unless you place no value at all on your precious time.
John Christie – Free Energy Device To Generate Your Own Electricity Or Not?
Did John Christie invent a free energy device that would solve the world’s dependency on oil and allow anyone to generate their own electricity for free? In this article, I will tell you who John Christie is and what he did back in 2001. I will ask whether his invention did change the world and what you can do today in 2011 to generate your own free electricity.
John Christie And The Lutec 1000
John Christie, Australian mechanical engineer, launched a device to the world in 2001. It was named the “Lutec 1000” and was developed by him and an electrician friend, Lou Brits. It was claimed that their device was the first free energy magnet motor generator to be launched commercially.
Despite lots of early promise, nothing on a commercial scale ever materialised although there are plenty of video demonstrations of the device working that can easily be found on the internet.
Why Was It Not A Commercial Success?
Many of these pioneers are great at inventing but lack the commercial know-how to take a great product from prototype to mass distribution.
Think of the typical genius innovator on a TV show like Dragons Den and compare them to the Dragons who know how to make multi-million dollar deals and you will see that there is a world of difference.
It is also thought that their work was sabotaged or suppressed in order to prevent a commercial reality. Such industrial sabotage of magnetic motor devices has been going on for decades and is thought to be committed by oil-dependent industry cartels and others with vested interests in the status quo, even including national governments.
What Is “Free Energy” And How Does It Work?
These motors use technology for a relatively new, fringe area of physics known as “zero point”. This say that we need not depend on oil for our energy needs but can in fact create energy via other means.
John Christie’s invention is like many other similar motors in that it uses strategically placed magnets to convert the forces due to magnetism into mechanical (usually rotary) motion.
How Can I Generate My Own Electricity?
Commercial magnetic motors are less than five years away from release but if you want to quit paying your power bills right now then your best bet is to make your own device, a task which is even more simple than making your own solar panel or wind turbine.
John Christie Magnetic Motor – How To Make Your Own 7kW Christie Motor And Easily Power Your Home
What is the John Christie magnetic motor? How does it work? Can you really power your house by making your own? All these questions are answered in this article.
What Is The John Christie Magnetic Motor?
This motor is an example of zero point/magnetic motor technology. This is technology that has been investigated for over one hundred years but is only in recent years starting to make a commercial and domestic impact. It allows the operator of the motor to generate electricity. Not an unlimited amount of electricity and not forever (this is not a perpetual motion machine) but nevertheless more than enough to power a home.
This motor is very simple in concept. It consists of a rotor and some strategically placed magnets plus electrical circuitry. It was developed by Christie and his electrician friend, Lou Brits. It produces a sizeable 24 kilowatts of power.
How Does It Work?
As mentioned, the device is really simple in essence and consists of a few basic parts. The key components are the magnets.
Nikola Tesla, long considered the “grandfather of electricity”, showed over one hundred years ago that there are new ways to obtain energy, other than the sun, the wind and fossil fuels. Magnets can help us to access this ever-present energy source.
All magnetic motors need an initial input of energy, a simple push of the hand or the use of a crank. The motor accelerates and quickly reaches a constant speed equilibrium.
The frictional forces that would otherwise hinder motion (from the bearings and air resistance) are more than compensated for by the large forces provided by the magnets.
As mentioned already, this is not a perpetual motion device. The magnets wear out and must be replaced. Some motors, such as the John Christie magnetic motor itself, use batteries which must also be replaced periodically.
How To Make Your Own Christie Motor
Christie and Brits are not alone in working for several years on perfecting this technology. Many such pioneers were hard at work in the 1980s and 1990s. Today, we are still at least 5 years away from the first commercially available model for use in industry and the home.
The goods news is that today, anyone can make their own basic 7-kilowatt model which is more than enough to power most homes. The hard work of pioneers such as Christie has been done and we can now all benefit from this technology. All that is needed are a few basic materials (many of which can be obtained second hand), some tools and some assembly. Instead of spending hundreds of hours trying to make your own prototype, you can do it in just 48.
How can you do this? With the help of a good set of plans/instructions that have been created by someone who has been there before you. Sure, a set of instructions might cost around 50 bucks. But this is a good investment if you consider how many hours you would otherwise waste (and how much that would cost you – unless your time is free, I know mine isn’t). Instead of pulling your hair out, you can have the confidence of knowing that you’ll have a working motor up and running in very little time.
What is Zero Point Energy Generator?
Many people are searching for alternative energy sources and they often come across this phrase “Zero Point Energy Generator”. So what is this generator? It is a generator that uses magnet and its magnetic force to induce perpetual motion that generates free electricity that can power the home. It is a revolutionary invention which was invented by Ludwig Brits and John Christie in year 2001, and has been patented under the name “A system for controlling a rotary device”. They have a plan to go on to the market in 2005, but nothing has progressed.
According to the inventors, this generator that they have invented, once kick started by a battery, will continue to run for years without stopping and is able to produce 24 kilowatts of electricity over duration of twenty-four hours for the household and that is 1 kilowatt per hour. This technology has been proven to work and you can actually watch a video on YouTube on an interview with John Christie. In the video, an electrical engineer was also being interviewed who says that the technology is revolutionary and has huge opportunity to rid the world of green electricity.
This is great news for fossil fuels like gas, oil and coal, which are running low as we continue to use up these fossil fuels at the current rate. This magnetic force generator will also be very helpful to the environment if the burning of fossil fuels is being reduced drastically and hence lesser pollution as well as global warming. If nothing is done to protect the earth, there will be repeated occurrences of disasters like floods and hurricanes as well.
No one really knows why the magnetic force generator has not been manufactured and brought into the market. There is only one possible answer for that and that is, those big electricity companies are preventing it from happening as it would destroy their multi-billion dollar industry if every household starts buying one of these generators and installed that at their homes without having to pay for a single cent to the electricity suppliers.
If you are having the thought of building this type of generator at home, it is possible. Although the inventors of the magnetic force generator did not publish their design, there are some guides in the market that give you with the information that you require to build one on your own. One of such guides is known as Magniwork. It describes the detail step by step blueprint on how you can build this at your backyard and use this to generate free electricity. The author of this guide has based on the theories developed by the scientist Michael Faraday back in 1831, which were also the same theories that the inventors used.
The zero point energy generator is a remarkable piece of device and has changed significantly the way that we use electricity. Find out more on Magniwork to see how you can take advantage of this technology and build this magnetic force generator yourself.
Free Electricity, Renewable Energy Generator Plans Available – Going Green
Two Australian Inventors from Freshwater in NW Cairns Queensland (I lived in SW Cairns in Earlville) John Christie and Ludwig (Lu) Brits invented a home use free energy machine in 2001. This generator has the ability to be able to run a house effectively without the use of any traditional electricity. This machine actually produces more than five times the amount of electricity than is uses.
The free energy machine is under a patent for its innovative technology. This free energy is patented under the name “a means of controlling a rotary device” and the invention is patented under this name in a number of countries including New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Mexico and Turkey. This free energy machine is actually producing new energy without the need for traditional electricity. As John Christie said in an interview back in 2001 “the system works because of the interaction between magnetic attraction and magnetic repulsion”
Currently you cannot actually buy the free energy machine because even though it has been patented, no companies have manufactured it for domestic use. There are a number of Power Companies in Europe and Canada who have produced industrial size machines. However, for the domestic market, this has meant that other companies have produced plans that show you how to make this type of generator in your own home. Both John and Lu have stated on the website and in interviews that companies like Magniwork and Magnets 4 Energy are not in any way related to their innovations and did not write the plans for their equipment. However, both John and Lu have said that their system is basically developed by the work of English scientist Michael Faraday who discovered that electrical energy could be produced by magnetism in combination with movement also developed over 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla.
The available books of plans on the free energy machine is therefore a very good option if you want to mimic the work of the scientist, as well as these two Australian inventors. I believe that is not only for your benefit so that you save money on electricity, but also for the benefit of the environment. The continued use of exhausting the supply of fossil fuels is causing more and more damage to the environment, and something needs to be done to stop this. At the moment you can buy these books for under $50.00 (with a 100% 60 day money back guarantee) and they give you all the information you will possibly need to be able to build your own free energy machine. Probably the main reason that no manufacturer is willing to make these machines is that it will destroy the energy industry. That being said, there would never be any monthly bills and the government would not be able to squeeze that money out in tax. If you were smart you would make one of these machines yourself because you could power your house forever without spending any money.
A free energy machine is probably the best and most innovative invention of our generation. Read up about this technology and find out what you need to do to make this machine, or get someone else to build it for you. Chances don’t come along everyday for you to make such a difference to the environment. If you choose not to do this for yourself, choose to do it for the environment because otherwise in the future we will not have a beautiful environment like we have now. Get in touch with me and benefit with your own free energy machine. Just do something – you have the power.
Paul Goldman, is a “transplanted” Australian living in Florida who got tired of sky-high electricity prices, gas prices and things that were damaging the environment (and his wallet) so he investigated ALL the options. The ones that WORKED and the others!
“I go Green- My wallet goes Greener”
Magnetic Power Generators – The Shocking Truth
Thousands of people are searching for alternative sources of electric power. Everyone knows that solar power and wind turbine electric generation offer an eco friendly alternative to fossil fuel produced electricity. A third alternative for electric production is magnetic power generation.
Proponents of this idea claim that once the initial equipment is purchased, the owner receives free energy forever. The basic premise of magnetic power generation is that once the generator is powered up, it will continue to produce electricity indefinitely. If true, this equipment has the potential to revolutionize electrical production. Lets dig deeper into this subject and discover the shocking truth about magnetic power generation.
The search for free energy has fascinated mankind for centuries. Leonardo Da Vinci made a number of drawings of machines that he thought could be capable of making free energy. Nikola Tesla has been called the father of free energy. More recently, Bruce De Palma and John Christie have developed what they call the future of free energy.
In 1977, Bruce De Palma constructed his N-Machine, which he claimed used rotating magnets to produce energy. The N-Machine supposedly generated up to four times more output energy than input energy, creating overunity. Overunity or perpetual motion refers to any device or system that perpetually produces more energy than it consumes.
Australian inventor John Christie of Lutech Australia Pty Ltd, claims to have developed a magnetic power generator capable of 440% overunity. Unfortunately, neither of these magnetic power generators have been independently verified as capable of producing overunity. Critics claim that such a generator cannot produce overunity or free energy. To do so would defy a basic law of physics, the conservation of energy. Unlike solar and wind power there are currently no power companies using magnet powered generators for electrical production.
Many of the websites that promote the idea of magnetic power generation offer DIY plans for making the generator. Can you really get free energy from a DIY magnetic power generator? One site, Magniworks, claims that their plans will let anyone construct a power generator for less that $100, using materials available at any hardware store. In addition, this easily constructed power generator could replace 50% or more of your electric usage. The site states that hundreds of these generators have been built from their plans and they list several satisfied customers. Using directory assistance and a web based search service I tried to locate the U.S. based individuals claiming to have built and installed these generators. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate any of the references listed on the Magniworks website.
Unable to verify any actual working installation, I decided to download the magnetic generator plans from the Magniworks site. With these plans I was getting to the truth about magnetic power generators. The plans offer detailed parts list, illustrations and instructions. However, after constructing the generator you have something that is a science project, not an alternative energy solution. The generator is tiny (approximately 4 inches square) and according to the printed specifications produces only 24.5 watts of output. Think about that. 24.5 watts is less than half the power needed to light up a single 60 watt light bulb. To replace 50 percent or more of your current electric usage you would have to build 20-25 of these generators and then wire them together.
So what is the shocking truth about magnetic power generators?
1. Magnetic power generation claims for achieving overunity have not been independently verified. Free energy from magnets is still a theory, not proven concept.
2. The popular Magniworks DIY generator, even if it works, is not large enough to generate a meaningful amount of electricity.
in conclusion, don’t waste your time or money chasing the free energy promised by the magnetic power advocates. Stick with proven alternative energy sources. Solar power and wind turbine power, while costing more that $100 to set up, do actually produce real usable electricity. Some of the components, solar panels and wind turbines, can be constructed at home
How To Generate Free Electricity – Living Off The Grid
If you are looking for ways to generate your own free electricity for your household instead of relying on the power company, keep reading. When come to generating your own electricity, there are a number of ways that you can do so. I will show you three major ones in this article.
The Solar Power
What about the solar power? It is by far the most obvious choice when coming to renewable energy sources. Solar power can be converted using solar collectors to provide hot water for your household or using solar panels to generate electricity you’re your home appliances. Its advantages include the following:
- Solar power is wide available and abundant
- Environmental friendly
- Low cost setup
Solar power is a good choice but they do also have some disadvantages. The sun doesn’t shine 24 hours and not all year round. So you are not going to be able to generate solar energy constantly. What you will need is to store the solar energy so that you can use them when you need electricity during the night.
The Wind Power
Using the wind power to generate electricity has some advantages:
- Low environmental impact
- Cost saving in the long term though there is a significant start up cost involved in installation
- Increase value of your property
Apart from these advantages, the amount of power that you can get really depend on the location where there is wind blowing consistently and strongly.
The Magnetic Force
There are people who are searching for a way that is truly independent that do not rely on any power sources like the sun or the wind. Is there one? The answer is yes. It is to use the magnet force and you will probably come across this as ‘Zero Point Energy Generator’. So what is this generator? It is a generator that uses magnet and its magnetic force to induce perpetual motion that generates free electricity. It is a revolutionary invention which was invented by Ludwig Brits and John Christie in year 2001. The above 3 ways are the most obvious choices if you are considering generating free electricity to help power your home. There are some guides in the market today that can help you build your own solar panels, wind turbines and magnetic force generator.
Lutec 1000 Free Energy Machine – World’s First Commercial Free Energy Machine?
The Lutec 1000 Free Energy Machine is purported to be the world’s first commercial device of this type. Who are the brains behind this machine and does it really live up to that claim? How else can you benefit from this technology and quit paying your power bills? Read below to find out now. Please note: I have no connection to the Lutec company whatsoever.
What Is The Lutec 1000?
The Lutec 1000 is an energy amplifier machine that generates up to 10 times the amount of electricity that is fed into it. It is the result of several years of development since the inventors first came to public attention, back in 2001.
The “1000” in the name signifies that the machine can generate up to 1,000 Watts (1 kilowatt) of electricity.
Who Made It?
The brains behind this invention are Australian engineers, John Christie and Lou Brits. In 2001, they showed off an earlier prototype to the world, before they had a chance to obtain patents and get the machine independently verified to satisfy investors.
How Does It Work?
The Lutec 1000 is a variant (one of many) of a zero point energy generator. These are devices that convert the forces due to magnetism (from permanent magnets) into mechanical motion. Converting this mechanical motion into electricity is a very simple final step that is commonly seen in any kind of generator.
It is able to do this thanks to zero point, a fringe area of physics that was studied by Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, the “grandfather of electricity”.
Contrary to what some people say, these device are not “perpetual motion machines”. Bearings, wiring and magnets need to be replaced or reconditioned periodically. It is more accurate to call this an energy amplifier machine.
Is It On Commercial Sale?
The Lutec 1000 has had patents granted in 60 countries but is still not on commercial sale yet. How long that will be remains to be seen. In August last year (2010), the inventors anticipated that it could be available in two years. My personal feeling is that this is optimistic and we are looking at the best part of 5 years before anyone can order the Lutec 1000.
How Else Can I Generate My Own Free Electricity?
Though the Lutec 1000 has taken years to develop, it is entirely possible to construct a much simpler device yourself. Within a few days, you can have your own device up and running, suitable for domestic use.
I strongly recommend you invest a nominal amount (around $50) in a good set of instructional plans. If you follow such a plan to the letter then you can be up and running and no longer paying your power bill within a few days. If you prefer to go it alone then you could be spending years on your project, much like the inventors of the Lutec 1000.
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