Types of electrical breakers, their symbols and their meaning
Types of electrical breakers, their symbols and their meaning
Electrical breakers
Circuit breakers are basically switches installed inside the circuit breaker box that protect the electrical components in the home from overheating or igniting when an electrical short or overload occurs. The circuit breaker also alleviates the problem by cutting off the flow of electricity. There are three basic types of circuit breakers. Circuit breakers: Standard breakers (which include single-pole and double-pole circuit breakers), and also include ground circuit breakers (GFCIs) and ground circuit breakers (AFCIs).
Types of electrical circuit breakers
Single-pole circuit breakers
Single-pole circuit breakers are considered the most common type of electrical breakers in homes today. They are also called single-pole because they are designed to monitor the current of a single wire in the event of an overload or short load. Single-pole circuit breakers also aim to accommodate between 15 amps and 30 amps and connect 120 volts to the electrical circuit.
Double pole circuit breakers
Double-pole circuit breakers monitor the flow of electricity through two wires simultaneously. They are easily recognizable as a single breaker with two switches connected side by side. This type of breaker will trip if one or both wires are shorted or overloaded. Double-pole circuit breakers also provide either 240 volts or 120 volts to an electrical circuit and can accommodate anywhere from 15 amps to 200 amps. Circuits that supply power to appliances that require a large amount of power such as washers and dryers require double-pole circuit breakers.
GFCI circuit breakers
GFCI circuit breakers are also designed to protect against a line-to-ground fault, as this fault occurs when a dangerous electrical path occurs between a grounded element and an electrical current. GFCI circuit breakers also provide protection against short or excessive electrical current, and these breakers are required by some electrical codes. For areas in the home that can get damp such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, and outdoor areas.
AFCI circuit breakers
AFCI circuit breakers are designed to trip when they detect arcing within electrical wires. This happens when the electrical wire is damaged or its sheathing becomes so thin that it poses a real fire hazard. Standard single-pole and double-pole circuit breakers will not always be detected, as electrical arcs trip. Just because of excessive heat, AFCI circuit breakers are required as part of the electrical code in new homes.
Methods for determining specifications of circuit breakers
- The circuit breaker specifications are specified by the rated current flowing through the circuit breaker under normal operating conditions, and the circuit specifications are written on a switch with the symbol Amp, which are known standard values, including the following measurements: 6/10/15/16/20/25/32 /40/50/63/100/125/150/163/200/225/250/300/400/500/630/1000/1200/1500/1750 A.
- Circuit breakers are also specified in sizes: 2000/2200/2500/3000/3200/4000/5000/6300A.
- The circuit breaker specifications can also be determined using the short capacitance SCC, which is measured in KA which means the maximum value of the current that the CB can withstand for a short period and is measured in seconds: 35/50/75/80 KV.
Symbols of electrical circuit breakers and their meanings
MCCB circuit breakers codes are as follows:
- Symbol (Compact NS
- Symbol (Ui): The insulation voltage is rated as the highest voltage that the switch can withstand for a certain period (1-3) seconds and when the voltage is one and a half times the rated voltage Ue, as measured in kilovolts kv.
- Icon symbol (Uimp): Voltage is rated because it is the device’s resistance to high electrical voltages, which are usually the result of locking and unlocking, lightning strikes, or short circuits, usually more than 15 times the nominal voltage, and the duration is in milliseconds, as measured in kiloamperes. Square.
- (LCS) symbols: It is the operating current for disconnection or interruption, and it is the percentage of LCU that the circuit breaker must withstand three times in a row with a period of three minutes between them, and it is measured in kiloamperes (kA). The higher the percentage of LCS in the LCU, the greater the ability of the circuit breaker to withstand short currents. High value several times, which increases the safety rates of the facility and the life of the circuit.
- Symbol (lcu): It is the maximum current through which the short is interrupted, as it is considered the maximum value of the cutting capacity that the breaker can handle at one time, and the breaker must then be tested, after which the internal contact points of the pneumatic breakers must be changed Complete breakers for breakers of the shape
or Mini cutters.
- The symbol (Ue), through which the rated operating voltage (operating voltage of the switch) is measured in volts, is the voltage that the breaker is designed to operate properly under normal operating conditions, and is measured in volts.
- Symbol (pink): indicates the amplitude of the short circuit current and is measured in kiloamperes with kA, where.
- The yellow color or the letter (B) symbolizes a capacity of 25 kA.
- The red color or letter (F) symbolizes a capacity of 36 kA.
- The gray color or letter (N) symbolizes a capacity of 50 kA.
- The pink color or the letter (H) symbolizes a capacity of 70 kA.
- The green color or the letter (S) symbolizes the capacity of 100 kiloampere.
- The cyan color or letter (L) symbolizes the capacity of 150 kA.
- Symbol (switch): symbolizes the circuit breaker switch.
- Code (IEC / EN 60947-2): It means that the cutter complies with international standards.
- Code (NEMA AB1): means the standards supported by the device.
- Symbol (Icm): It is the rating of the current block through which the current is switched on the short.
Types of electrical breakers, their symbols and their meaning
- LCV: This means the current rating that the switch can withstand in a short period of time.
- Symbol (ls): which is the selection flow constraints.
- Symbol (In): It is the current rating or nominal rating. This is the current at which the circuit breaker is designed to operate properly under normal operating conditions and is measured in amperes (A).
- Symbol (lo): Increases the selected values of the switch with respect to the disconnect (thermal or magnetic), and is set by multiplying the operating current of the switch (ln).
- Symbol (lr): is the thermal cut-off current and the amplifiers on the load and set the minimum multiply value or multiply the operating current of the switch (ln) if the circuit does not have a caliber (lo).
- The symbol (tr) sets the thermal cut-off delay time.
- Symbol (lm): Magnetic disconnection current, i.e. magnetic disconnection of the ampere and its preparation is to double the thermal disconnection current (lr)
or double the operating current of the switch. - lsd: Magnetic separation current with time delay, it is a multiple setting of Ir, often 1.5 to 10 times larger than Ir.
- Symbol (TSD): To set the magnetic separation delay time.
- Symbol (li): Magnetic separation current, and is set by multiplying the operating current of the switch (ln) and the setting must be greater than isd.
- Symbol (Ig): To protect the ground of the ground network and is used to monitor errors in the ground network and runs in the PE conductor in TNS systems (i.e. when the legacy is connected to the neutral).
- Symbol (TG): To set the delayed shutdown time to protect the ground network.
- Symbol (I delta n): To adjust the sensitivity of earth leakage protection.
- Symbol (Delta T): Delays the closing time in order to protect against earth leakage.
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