Types of solar panels and their manufacturers
Types of solar panels and their manufacturers
The shape of Monocrystalline silicon
Solar panels are one of the most important elements used in solar energy systems.
It produces electrical energy through sunlight (photons) and sends it to…
The charging regulator and then to the inverter, batteries and electrical loads. Different types of solar panels are available depending on the type of material, its efficiency and manufacturing quality.
Types of solar panels in detail
Solar panels are classified into three types, which are:
- Monocrystalline silicon cells.
- Polycrystalline silicon cells.
- Thin-film panels.
First: Monocrystalline silicon:
- This type has the distinctive appearance that indicates the highest purity of silicon crystals.
- It has the highest taking efficiency rates, which may reach more than 20%.
- Its lifespan is 25 years or more depending on the quality of the panels.
- The panels are made black, so that sunlight (photons) interacts with the pure silicon crystal.
- While the panels are black, monocrystalline solar panels have a variety of colors for their panels, side frames, and back.
- Good performance under slightly low solar radiation conditions.
The disadvantage of this type of panel is the high cost compared to polycrystalline silicon cells.
Monocrystalline silicon is the first type of solar panel
Second: Polycrystalline silicon cells:
- You can quickly distinguish between these panels because this type of solar panel has squares that do not have corners cut, that is, they have many lines on them, and are often blue in color.
- Made from melting raw silicon, it is faster and cheaper than monocrystalline silicon.
- Its lifespan is 25 years or more depending on the quality of the panels.
- Its efficiency is about 16.5%, due to the low purity of silicon.
- Its disadvantage is that the appearance, as Monocrystalline silicon panels have an aesthetic appearance, but it does not matter to buyers.
- It requires a slightly higher installation space than Monocrystalline silicon solar panels
The shape of the Polycrystalline silicon panels
Third: Thin-film panels:
- The biggest aesthetic factor in this type is how delicate it is made and its streamlined, bendable shape, unlike previous types.
- A lot of development and research is being done to make it better suitable for use.
- Can be used on the go.
- High cost compared to its lifespan compared to other types.
- They carry the shortest warranties because their lifespan is shorter than other types of panels.
The shape of the thin-film panels
The difference between Mono boards and Poly boards
There is not a big difference between the two types. When it is said that Mono panels produce 330W, there are also Poly panels that produce 330W.
In terms of production, there is no difference between the two.
In terms of the sizes of the two types and saving space is very simple:
We currently find that Mono panels have a capacity of 280W and are 165*99 in size, and the maximum wattage in poly panels at the same size = 265W.
So space saving = 280-265/265*100% = 5.6%
This is a small percentage in terms of saving space between the two types, as Mono panels are slightly smaller than poly panels in terms of area.
The big difference between the two types is that the appearance, as Monocrystalline silicon panels have an aesthetic appearance, but it does not matter to buyers.
Determine the inclination angle of the solar panels
Determine the inclination angle of the solar panels
Determining the angle of inclination of solar panels. We all know that the productivity of solar panels depends on the rate of sunlight falling on them.
But are these rays sufficient to meet the needs of the best productivity of solar panels?
A question that many may ask, and the answer is simple: There are factors that affect the fall of sunlight on the surface of the Earth.
Therefore it is impossible to take advantage of the full rays of incident sunlight.
Let’s learn about the factors that cause not all of the sunlight to fall on the Earth, and how to determine the inclination angle of solar panels.
Direction of the sun and solar panel throughout the year
Introduction to sunlight
The sun is considered an inexhaustible and clean source of energy, and its use does not produce any harmful gases or products for the environment.
Solar energy is measured in joules, although the most common measurement is flux of radiation (Flux) or power of radiation (Power).
Which expresses energy over time. Scientists have agreed that the value of the sun’s constant is around 1360 watts per square meter.
But what reaches the ground may average 1,000 watts per square meter,
The reason for the decrease in value is due to the absorption and scattering of solar radiation in the atmosphere reaching the Earth.
The inclination of sunlight throughout the year plays an important and fundamental role in the productivity of solar panels.
Here is an image showing the position of the Sun on December 21, and its position on June 21.
Location of sunlight in summer and winter
Types of radiation falling on the ground
Three types of radiation reach the Earth, which represent 50% of solar radiation:
- Direct solar radiation:
These are the rays that reach directly from the sun to the surface of the Earth, and their value increases in the summer when the sky is clear.
- Scattered and diffuse solar radiation:
It results from the direct reflection of the sun’s rays into space due to clouds
Drops of water and gases in the Earth’s atmosphere increase
In the winter, when clouds abound, it constitutes the largest proportion of the total radiation.
- Reflected solar radiation:
It results from the reflection of direct or dispersed solar radiation on the surface of the earth and seas.
Its percentage varies depending on the surface and its ability to reflect rays.
It rises especially near seas or reflective lands.
Types of radiation falling on the ground
Annual production per square meter of sun
Annual output per square meter of sun
There are also factors that may directly affect the productivity of solar panels, such as the casing
Atmospheric and dust dispersed in the air and accumulated on the solar panels and the angle at which the sun’s rays shine on the panels.
Look at the shape of the two curves, where you notice that the productivity of the panels throughout the day and during the ideal presence of sunlight,
It produces energy gradually, starting in the morning and reaching its value according to the capacity of the solar panels
Then it returns to a gradual decrease, due to the change in the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays to an oblique angle.
But in reality this does not happen ideally.
Rather, there are fluctuations in productivity depending on the external weather factors surrounding the solar panels.
Curves comparing the incidence of sunlight
Latitude and longitude of the Earth
Determining the angle of solar panels varies depending on the geographical location in which they are located.
According to the longitudes and latitudes of the Earth.
Since the angle of latitude is between the plane of the equator and the line connecting from this point to the center of the Earth,
This means that all points on the equator are at zero latitude.
The latitude angles range between (0-90 degrees north) and (0-90 degrees south).
While the angle of the meridians is what determines the position of the point in the east and west directions on the surface of the Earth,
The zero point was considered to be the longitude line passing through Greenwich.
The longitude angles range from (0-180 east) to (0-180 west).
Latitude and longitude lines
important note:
The solar panels are oriented north of the equator towards the south,
While south of the equator, their plates are directed north at a specific angle according to latitude.
Determine the inclination angle of the solar panels
The angle of inclination of solar panels can simply be determined by applying maps, knowing the latitude and longitude of the location in which they are located.
Or through a dedicated application to determine the tilt angle by placing the phone on the surface of the tablet and tilting it to give you the appropriate tilt angle.
In general, the more sunlight is perpendicular to the solar panels, the
The better it produces more power.
The slope of sunlight falling on the solar panel
important note:
In practice, engineers use specialized devices to determine the angle of inclination of solar panels, in addition to determining the amount of solar radiation falling on the Earth’s surface in square metres.
The world’s largest solar panel manufacturers
The world’s largest solar panel manufacturers,
We present to you a list of the largest solar panel manufacturers in the world for the year 2022.
Which countries excel in the field of manufacturing solar cell panels with the best internationally approved technologies and which sell their products at the global level?
Solar panel manufacturers
Every year we receive a new list of the best companies that are improving
Solar cell manufacturing techniques by increasing productivity and efficiency with the least possible space.
Sun Power Company (in English: Sun Power) got the rank
The first is to develop a capable “Maxeon M-Series” solar panel
It can produce approximately 420W-435W with an efficiency of 22.8%, which is the highest efficiency up to this moment.
While the famous Trina Solar company,
It has manufactured a solar panel capable of producing 670W, which is the highest value up to this moment, but the efficiency is low compared to the production capacity, reaching 21.6%.
This made it ranked sixth.
Solar panels of international brands
The world’s largest solar panel manufacturers
China has become a leader in manufacturing solar panels.
It dominates the commercial market in selling solar panels with the best efficiency and lowest price.
It is the first country that has companies that supply about three-quarters of its products.
While American companies currently produce only about 1% at the present time, according to a report by Jenny Chase, Director of Solar Energy Analytics at BloombergNEF,
The reason is China’s world dominance in the field of solar panel manufacturing.
What made China the first country specialized in the field of manufacturing solar panels,
It is that companies manufacture panels at the lowest costs while taking into account increasing efficiency and production at the same time.
At the same time, the state encourages these companies to compete and continue to advance.
It is worth noting that China has 261 factories that manufacture solar panels, and thus it is the country that leads the world in the number of factories.
List of the largest solar panel manufacturers in the world
Rank | Country | Number of factories |
first place | China | 261 |
Second place | India | 51 |
Third place | Türkiye | 25 |
Fourth place | United State | 16 |
Fifth place | Taiwan | 16 |
Sixth place | Vietnam | 15 |
Seventh place | Japan | 14 |
Ranked eighth | Germany | 12 |
Ninth place | South Korea | 8 |
Table of the largest solar panel manufacturers
Design of a 24V solar energy system
Designing a 24V solar energy system. It is necessary to know how to design a 24V solar energy system
V, when do we use it, and what components are required to make a 24 volt solar energy system.
Components of a 24V solar power system
A 24V DC solar system simply consists of the following components:
- Solar Panels.
- 24V charging regulator.
- Inverter for 24V solar system.
- Two batteries, each 12 volt battery.
We will talk about each component of the 24V solar power system
In detail with explanatory connections to make it easier for everyone to understand and imagine.
Solar Panels
A 24V solar power system needs the panel or solar panel voltage to be at least 33V to 36V
So that we maintain a higher voltage
From the system voltage that operates at 24V.
We note that the voltage of the solar panel at load, i.e. the voltage Vmpp,
The capacity of the solar panels must also be sufficient to charge the two batteries in the worst case scenario.
If you have a 150-watt, 18-volt solar panel, you can connect two panels to the same
The specifications are respectively for a total voltage of 36 volts in order to ensure that the panel voltage is higher than the solar system voltage.
How to connect solar panels to a 24V system
24V charging regulator
Every solar system requires a suitable charge regulator that is consistent in voltage with the system voltage and current so that it can handle the total solar system current.
Because we want to design a 24V solar power system, we also need a charge regulator designed to operate on 24V.
That is, it contains an electronic panel from the inside that regulates the voltage and current of the solar panels so that a uniform voltage is output that is compatible with the system voltage, which is 24 volts.
You must also make sure that the regulator is programmed to operate at 24 volts and not 12 volts if it is designed to operate on both systems.
Electric batteries
A 24V solar power system needs at least two batteries with 12V specifications
For one battery, the batteries must be of the same capacity, voltage, age, and even from the same manufacturer.
The two batteries are connected in series (series) in order to obtain a voltage difference of 24 volts between the two ends
The two batteries are in order to coordinate with the rest of the components of the 24V solar energy system.
How to connect electric batteries in series (series)
Inverter 24V
When deciding to buy an inverter, you must ensure that it operates on a 24 volt system by reading its input voltage.
Regardless of the inverter’s capacity, the capacity is determined by calculating the total load capacity plus a safety factor of at least 1.3.
We also ensure that the voltage and frequency of the inverter output are compatible with the network system you have.
For example, if the electrical appliances operate at a voltage of 220 volts and a frequency of 50 Hz, you must ensure that the inverter output is 220 volts and 50 Hz.
Types of solar panels and their manufacturers
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