Water saving tips
Water saving tips

Water is considered the source of life and its foundation. God Almighty said: “And We made from water every living thing.” Although water makes up 70% of the Earth, more than 900 million people around the world lack safe water for use and drinking. Therefore, it is very important to save water, and saving starts with you as a person, so today we provide you with a set of tips that will help you save your use of water inside and outside the home.
- inside the house:
1- Use low-flow faucets and tools: Replace regular water fixtures (such as the sink faucet) with low-flow ones. This will save you more than 125 liters of water per day! Also, using a low-flow shower head available at Jaafar Shop will save you 55 liters for every 10 minutes of showering.
2- Install aerators on faucets: Regular faucets in your home use 3 gallons of water per minute, and by installing low-flow aerators on the faucet, you can cut the number in half and reduce the use to 1.5 gallons per minute.
3- Fix leaks: We always suffer from leaks, and most of us underestimate them, but unfortunately, leaky taps, toilets, and pipes can waste up to 750 liters of water per day! Even a single leaky tap wastes 75 liters a day! Save water and money by simply tightening the faucet handle firmly to prevent leaks.
- Outside the house (in the garden):
1- Check the external pipes, valves, and hoses for leaks: The best place to check for external leaks is the garden hose connection to the valve. If you see a leak in the valve when running the hose, you can replace the hose skin and use duct tape to tighten the connection to the valve.
2- Use rainwater barrels to collect water and use it in gardening and washing cars: Gardening may account for 40 to 60% of total household water consumption during the summer. So, in the rainy winter, use large water barrels to collect rainwater, preserve it, and use it in a beneficial way.
3- Using a car wash pump: By owning one of these pumps, you can save 60% – 80% of the total water consumption while washing your car while getting a better result.
If you have any inquiry, please contact us freely and we will be happy to serve you.
Jezli website for purchasing electrical appliances
When we say Jazli website, we are talking about one of the most famous Arab websites, which was able in a very short period of time to achieve a very high demand for purchases from it by people from different parts and sectors of the Arab world.
On the Jazli website, you will find Joint Lock and all the products that you may need in your home, starting with those for kitchens or bathrooms, but even those for gardens. You will find them in this wonderful site
So, if you were lost before and did not know where to go to buy your products on the Internet, now you have the perfect solution, and all you have to do is go to the Jezli website and start choosing the products you want.
What are the features of Jeezly ?
Since we are talking about a site that is preferred by many people around the world, there is no doubt that it is a site full of various features and characteristics. Therefore, we have decided to devote our next paragraph to pointing out the most prominent features of the Jezli site.
One of the most prominent features of the site is the proportionality of prices. On the Jeezly website, you do not have to worry about the imaginary prices of the products, as is the case with most sites that display their products on the Internet.
The price of delivering products is very reasonable and not expensive, and the site accepts delivery to various countries, without forgetting that it accepts free shipping on some products.
One of the advantages of the site is also the high quality of its products, as it is impossible to find a poor quality product. Rather, the Jezli website deals with major companies, Philips, for example, and other famous brands, so you must remove from your mind the idea of the poor quality of one of the products. Another advantage of the site is that it does not specialize in one type of product, but rather you will find various types of products on it, for example, electrical appliances, hand tools, mechanical devices, paints, packages for establishing apartments, and many other types.
Jeezly website also accepts what is known as the shopping cart, which makes it easy for you to filter the products you want to buy and put them in one package in order to be able to pay with the click of a single button.
Accepts multiple payment methods.
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