What is the installation height of outlets according to the rules?
What is the installation height of outlets according to the rules?

- Shouts a modern legend
- Useful Tips
- the kitchen
- the bathroom
- bedroom
- Summing up
Shouts a modern legend
Many electricians who are new to replacing wiring in an apartment are very interested in the question of what should be the installation height of sockets from the floor according to European standards. The fact is that the so-called European standard regarding the location of electrical “points” does not exist. The legend goes back to the time when they were just starting to renovate, that the products are installed 30 cm above the floor. This distance was chosen only for practical reasons and there are no regulatory documents prohibiting the choice of another distance.
At the same time, the PUE rules stipulate certain requirements for the height of sockets in the bathroom, which are associated with protection against electric shock. We will talk about this male, in fact, as well as some points from GOST and SP standards. Well, since we have already touched upon this issue, we cannot fail to mention the Soviet standard, according to which the minimum distance from the floor was 90 cm. This value was justified by the fact that with this mode, the object will always be in the person’s field of vision.
Useful Tips
So, let’s look at what height it is better to install sockets for each specific room in the apartment, as well as for the most popular household appliances.
the kitchen
In the kitchen, the standard installation height of sockets should be as follows:
- For connecting the refrigerator, washing machine and dishwasher: 10-20 cm from the floor. This value is the best, in relation to the length of the electrical cord from the device. Some manufacturers produce household appliances with a short cord that does not even reach half a meter.
- 20 cm above the countertop (in the kitchen apron area), totaling about 110 cm from the floor. This sign will be ideal for labeling small-sized kitchen appliances, which are often located directly on the table: microwave, kettle, blender, crock pot, etc.
- To install the hood, you need to connect the outlet at a height of at least 2 meters from the floor.
the bathroom
This room has high humidity, so the height of the sockets from the floor in the bathroom should be chosen wisely. Here we must be guided not only by the interior of the room, but also based on the requirements according to GOST and PUE.
You yourself understand that it is strictly prohibited to fix products near water, so at least 60 cm, and preferably a meter, should be withdrawn from the sink, shower and other objects. The recommended height should also be practical so as not to pull the cord from a hair dryer, electric shaver or the same washing machine.
We recommend using the following values:
- l Connecting an electric kettle to the wall – 1.5 meters;
- For hair dryer and razor – 1 meter;
- Washing machine – not less than half a meter.
Here you should also pay attention to a very important nuance – you do not need to place products lower than 15 cm from the floor! This is due to the fact that the bathroom is susceptible to small floods, which occur in the event of a malfunction of household appliances, and when the owners forget. So that flooding of the room does not become a threat to life (if water gets into the outlet), you should place electrical accessories at a safe height, at least not lower than 15 cm.
Everything is simple here, we have one electrical point near the bed, next to the bedside table – for connecting a phone charger or a night lamp. The other is according to European standards – 30 cm above the floor covering.
Another should be for backup – for example, to connect a vacuum cleaner during cleaning or an air conditioner / fan. If you decide to hang the TV on the wall or install it on the bedside table, then the place for connecting the electrical cord can be placed behind the screen, which will hide all the wires behind it. To operate the computer, it is recommended to install the outlet on the desktop, at a height of 30 cm from the floor.
As for the concerns of some “professionals” who argue that a backup outlet should be placed higher than that of young children, these are all old concerns. Today, there are products with protective curtains and covers that prevent dangerous contact.
Summing up
So we’ve provided helpful height recommendations to make your plugs healthier and safer. In the end, I would like to add a very important nuance that will help you determine the exact location of each electrical point.
Before you start installing walls and installing wiring in the house, make a diagram in which the following elements are identified:
- The exact location of all furniture in the room;
- Types of home appliances with their exact location;
- Gas and water supply areas;
- Path of electrical wires along the walls;
- Windows and doorways.
Already on the created diagram, determine the most suitable height for installing outlets from the floor, so you will definitely not lose.
Otherwise, electrical accessories installed after arranging the furniture may be blocked by objects or at a great distance from them.
If you have any inquiry, please contact us freely and we will be happy to serve you.
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