Why are solar panels low efficiency?
Why are solar panels low efficiency?
There are many factors that limit the efficiency of solar panels .
The first unbreakable upper bound is the thermodynamic efficiency limit , which is about 86 %
This comes from the fact that every time you transfer energy from one source to another ( such as photons into electricity ) you lose some in the process .
The second breakable limit is called the Shockley-Queisser limit , and it is about 30 % .
I’m going to assume you don’t know physics at all, and I’m going to try to keep it simple .
Solar panels are made of semiconductors ( silicon, perovskite , and gallium arsenide ). All of these materials have some ” allowed ” energies for the electrons inside .
You can imagine it as a cinema . There is a set of seats, and each seat can accommodate exactly one electron . In general, electrons like to occupy seats in order ( ie from the lowest allowed energy level to the highest allowed energy level ) .

Why are solar panels low efficiency?
The crucial property of a semiconductor is that there is a ” gap ” between occupied and unoccupied seats . In order to excite an electron, it must be given enough energy to occupy a higher energy seat . when this happens ,
The charge can be collected and used effectively .
The problem is : the electron cannot be given an energy lower than the gap, which simply will not be absorbed.
The light from the sun comes in different frequencies , just like the colors you know . It goes from infrared ( low energy ) to red , green, blue , violet and ultraviolet ( high energy ).
The frequency range is called the solar spectrum, which has a peak around green, and decays into lower and higher frequencies .

Shockley Kuizer says : If you use only one cell , you can harvest no more than 30 % of the incoming energy . The reason is that not all photons are useful to us .
Because of the above reasons , you would need a photon with energy equal to or higher than the energy of the gap, so all photons with lower energy are wasted .
And there’s more : Of all the photons with energy higher than the energy gap , only an amount equal to the energy gap will be used .
A creative example could be like this : In order to get to the higher seats , an electron ( you ) must pay a fee .
The photon will give you some money, but the toll machine doesn’t give any change, and requires at least $ 1 . Thus, if the photon gives you less than $ 1 , you ca n’t pass .
If it gives you $ 1 , $ 5 , or $ 10 , it doesn’t matter, because you ‘ll have to pay fees to get to the higher seats ( no matter how much you pay !) and the energy you ‘ll get is the same .

Silicon has an energy gap of 1.2 electron volts ( approximately ) which is just below red .
Most of the infrared radiation will be wasted , and most of the visible and ultraviolet light will not be used at maximum efficiency .
How can this limit be broken ?
You will need to stack different semiconductors ( see picture ) , with different energy gaps . But this is not a simple matter at all, although progress has been made in this field . Satellites already use solar panels with up to 50 % efficiency , but they are so expensive that they are useless for commercial applications .

My own opinion ( which of course is quite subjective ) is that as more investments and interests are put into the search for efficient solar panels , it is only a matter of time until we achieve a commercial version of a panel with efficiencies of up to 40-50 % .
And the higher efficiency would probably be something we would only use on high – tech things like spaceships or satellites .
Last but not least, let me point out one thing . When it comes to efficiency in energy conversion, you should always think in terms of the original source of that energy.
For example : suppose a coal- fired power plant has an efficiency of 70 % . What does that mean ?
This means that 70 % of the energy contained within coal will be converted into electricity . But coal is originally made by plants that used solar energy at one time, with less efficiency .
So if you compare the energy you get in the end with the energy coming from the sun, it ‘s probably less than 1 % .
From this perspective, we can say that solar panels are incredibly efficient !
If you have any questions, please contact us freely and we will be happy to serve you.
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