How to make backup lighting at home
How to make backup lighting at home

- Lamps on batteries
- Lifts
- Battery operated LED lights
- Rules and requirements
Lamps on batteries
Now electronic components have made a breakthrough in development and miniaturization. Energy efficient LED diodes can become the main source of lighting. Batteries are becoming more affordable, and cutting-edge devices fit into a single-chip architecture. The industry now produces emergency autonomous lighting units of small sizes, permanently installed or with the possibility of mobile movement.
The scheme of operation of the devices is very simple. In normal condition, when there is voltage at the input, the electronic circuit charges the battery and monitors its condition. When the power is off, the lamp starts from the battery, and emergency lighting is turned on.
How to make backup lighting at home?
You can create a self-contained light source from a trash can. Previously, fluorescent lamps were used for lamps, however, such schemes are relatively complex for independent replication, due to the presence of a high-voltage transformer. With the advent of LEDs, it has become much easier, as it can also be powered from a 3V source. On the Internet, there are many radio electronic circuits collected by radio amateurs or copied from ready-made serial samples. Let us analyze the simplest backup lighting scheme for an apartment building:
The 12V source can be any network adapter designed for this voltage. Diodes VD1 and VD2 block the discharge current through the device components. Resistor R1 limits the battery charging current. The power switch, in the presence of a voltage of 12 V, is closed by a positive potential at the base of the transistor. Switch S1 is forced to open the switch. Remove the positive bias from the base using resistor R2, open the transistor and connect the battery to the light source. This scheme can be repeated independently, the choice of elements is not critical, and it can be rebuilt to a different voltage. There is room to roam.
The second emergency lighting scheme for the house is more complex, has a series of charge control and batteries:
The built-in stabilizer LM 317 provides a stable voltage to the circuit, and the T1 transistor is in the feedback loop, controlling the amount of charge on the battery and regulating the stabilizer by adding or subtracting the voltage. On the T2 switch, the emergency lighting start circuit is organized. If there is positive voltage at the base, the LEDs will not work.
In the described devices, there is one caveat, they only monitor the presence of voltage at the input.If a power outage occurs during daylight hours, the emergency lights honestly serve their purpose. For example it will work until the battery is exhausted or power is supplied. Therefore, it is better to make backup lighting according to the following scheme:
In this embodiment, there is a photo relay that will not allow you to turn on emergency lighting in the house during daylight hours. On transistor T1, a lighting controller with photoresistor LDR1 is organized. As you can see, it is not complicated, and the items are available and common.
As a ready-made solution, you can use uninterruptible power supplies (UPS). The emergency lighting set in this case should be laid by a separate cable, from the power set, but for supplying transient luminaires via UPS.In this device, you can use conventional built-in and fluorescent lamps with a voltage of 220 V.
By the way, on how to choose an uninterruptible power supply, check out the tips if you want to make emergency lighting in your home using a UPS.
Another interesting idea is illustrated in the diagram:
This circuit contains a charger, a low voltage relay, a diode and a 12/220 transformer. You can’t put them in, but instead use 12V LED modules.
In normal condition, when voltage is supplied to the charger, the relay connected to the terminals is pulled and the modules are not connected to the battery. When the charger stops supplying voltage, the relay closes another group of contacts, including the lighting modules. The diode in the circuit blocks the battery discharge through the relay coil. This project, you can not imagine easier, so it will be within the power of a person far from the nuances of electronics.
Battery operated LED lights
On the expanses of online stores there are lamps that look like ordinary LED lamps, but they contain a battery that allows them to work for some time in the absence of electricity. This unit has a standard E27 base and fits most sized luminaires.
Using the switch, you can select the lamp operation mode, as cumulative – emergency or normal mode. Using LEDs on batteries, you can make backup lighting in an apartment or apartment building without any effort. The disadvantage of rechargeable LED lamps is a high cost of about 500, however, since the costs for all rooms will be about 3 thousand, we can say that it is not expensive.
Rules and requirements
Regarding emergency lighting in the building, there are several rules of PUE and other equally important regulatory documents. So, if you decide to make backup light sources in a private house or in a country house, consider the following requirements:
- In any room, there should be at least two emergency lights, in case one of them breaks down.
- Luminaires must be separated to ensure minimum light exposure at 1 Lx, in the center of the corridor, on the escape route.
- Emergency lighting should be no further than 2 meters from important points of the object (corridors, doors, turns, stairs, control panels).
- A lamp should be installed at each exit door from the room, as well as on the landing, in the corridor, pantry and even the toilet. However, for home conditions, this rule is not so important, here you can be guided only by your preferences.
That’s all I wanted to tell you about how to make emergency lighting at home with your own hands. We hope you enjoyed our ideas!
If you have any inquiry, please contact us freely and we will be happy to serve you.
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