Phone Socket Sanshe Sharm

Phone Socket Sanshe Sharm

98,00 EGP112,00 EGP

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98,00 EGP112,00 EGP

Phone Socket Sanshe Sharm

  • Manufacturer: Sanshe Sharm
  • Available in a wide variety
  • Color: brown – white – black – silver – champagne
  • Type: telephone socket
  • Electrical current: 10 amps
  • Voltage: 110 – 230 volts
  • Frequency: 50 / 60 Hz
  • Style: modern
  • Outstanding customer service
  • Real guarantee, attractive appearance
  • Easy to install
  • Material: high quality material (plastic)
  • Made of corrosion-resistant plastic
  • The ability to withstand weather factors, and in any weather
  • Suitable for wall mounting – suitable for all decorations of all shapes